If you have been arrested for drunk driving your life is going to be seriously affected. Find out how severe the consequences will be for your circumstances. Learn what the penalties are and how they increase with every offense.
it is considered a felony. 4th OWI Offense more than 5 years after …
Have you or someone you love been arrested for criminal charges? Learn about the criminal court process in the state of Wisconsin. Pedersen Law Office, LLC offers free consultation at both our Menasha office and Green Bay office.
process. Depending on if the charges are a felony or misdemeanor will determine whether you a…
No one wants to get pulled over by the police. Knowing your rights when you do get pulled over might make all the difference.
ether you are facing misdemeanor charges or felony charges https://pedlaw.com/blog/vehicle-searches-what-legal
Find out what you can do to help your attorney fight criminal charges brought against you.
ether you are facing misdemeanor charges or felony charges https://pedlaw.com/blog/how-help-your-criminal-defense-attorney
Have you been arrested and facing criminal charges? Find out how to avoid or reduce a criminal charge through a diversion or deferred prosecution agreement.